Product Description
Included in this 352 page manual are:
All popular Weber carburetor types: DAF, DCD, DFA, DFV, DFD, DFE, DFM, DFT, DGV, DIF, IDA, IDF, IDS, IDT, DCNF, DCOE, DFAV, DFTA, DGAS, DGAV, IDAP, and IDTP carburetors
All Zenith Stromberg CD “constant depression” carburetors: CD, CDS, CDS-2, CDSE, CD-2E, CDST and CDSET.
All SU type H, HD, HS and HIF (including electronic) carburetors and auxiliary starting devices
Converting to Weber carburetors
How to install a Weber dual carburetor kit on an air-cooled VW engine.
Illustrated with complete photo sequences and component explanation chapters. 10240
Haynes manuals explain how to carry out routine maintenance, restoration and servicing of your car, and are aimed primarily at the Do-it-yourselfer. Hundreds of photographs are taken to accompany the step-by-step instructions written from actual experience.